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Dental A Team with Kiera Dent

Feb 27, 2020

Often we build an identity around always saying yes to everything, to embrace the busyness of our lives. Kiera and Jennifer talk through the benefits of saying no... Continue Reading...

Feb 26, 2020

 It’s time to figure out your practice’s membership plan! Jordon Comsock, founder of BoomCloud (dental membership plan software), joins Kiera to talk about the highs and lows of dental marketing... Continue Reading...

Feb 25, 2020

In this episode, Kiera and Ashley dive into how Ashley’s spent her time growing the dental assistants in the office...Continue Reading...

Feb 20, 2020

Kiera talks listeners through the best methods to adopt when treatment planning and how to make it an easy opportunity to connect with patients. There’s even a game of life thrown in...Continue Reading...

Feb 19, 2020

Kiera and Tiffanie talk about what to do and what NOT to do to build trust within your team, including how to fight through the bad days and who/who not to vent your problems to.. Continue Reading...