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Dental A Team with Kiera Dent

Apr 30, 2020

Time for the Week of How finale! When it comes to assisted hygiene, it can be really good or really bad — it’s up to you...Continue Reading...

Apr 29, 2020

The Week of How continues! In this episode, it’s all about block scheduling and how it can totally help your business out...Continue Reading...

Apr 28, 2020

The week of step-by-steps with Kiera continues! Today is about insurance verification — not sexy, but necessary...Continue Reading...

Apr 27, 2020

Kiera’s giving a game plan for heading back to the office! As a few offices begin to open back up, here are four ideas to consider as we get ramped back up into practice life... Continue Reading...

Apr 23, 2020

The last time Kiera did a book club episode, it was a huge success! So she’s back for round two of inspiration and good reads...