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Dental A Team with Kiera Dent

Dec 31, 2019

Last day of 2019! In this episode, Kiera sets up how to have the best 2020, both personally and professionally. It’s time to look back at the good and bad of 2019...Continue Reading...

Dec 26, 2019

Episode 112, Dental Gold Mine, was our most-downloaded episode ~ever~, so what did we do? We invited Dr. Deren Flesher back! Here, you’ll hear him talk to Kiera all about bonuses...Continue Reading...

Dec 25, 2019

Yay for holiday episodes! Holidays create a stamp in time to take us back and get us out of our daily routines. They’re often dream days, where it seems that anything is possible....Continue Reading...

Dec 24, 2019

Merry Christmas Eve from Kiera! In this short and simple episode, Kiera shares a quick story about a huge mistake she made in an office recently, and how she was able to work things out with the one person...Continue Reading...

Dec 19, 2019

Listen, Kiera has been around the block with dental practices. She’s seen pretty much all there is. But one thing stood out recently in one of her offices...Continue Reading...