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Dental A Team with Kiera Dent

Jun 30, 2020

Have no fear, Kiera’s here! … to walk you through some hard conversations. Today’s topic comes from a listener, who asked for advice on how to best deal with staff members who want to resign OR firing someone who just isn’t cutting it.. Continue...

Jun 25, 2020

There aren’t a ton of things better than 5-star reviews from happy patients. In this episode, Kiera shares tips on exactly how you can reach such wonderful heights with your patients, making them want to leave good reviews... Continue...

Jun 24, 2020

Michelle Strange and Andrew Johnston from the podcast A Tale of Two Hygienists are part of the A-Team in this episode, talking about the importance of continuing education for hygienists!.. Continue...

Jun 23, 2020

Comfort equals complacent! Did you know that when you reach a good spot in your practice and think you can breathe easy, that’s when your business can become susceptible to areas of weakness? There’s nothing wrong with celebrating your victories, but make sure you keep yourself honest — that’s what Kiera talks...

Jun 18, 2020

June has a theme! That’s right, this month the Dental A-Team is ALL ABOUT patient flow; perfecting that contact with your patient every step of the way...Continue Reading...